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The isle in Sirion they left behind;
but there on hill-top might one find
a green grave, and a stone set,
and there there lie the white bones yet
of Felagund, of Finrod's son -
unless that land is changed and gone,
or foundered in unfathomed seas,
while Felagund laughs beneath the trees
in Valinor, and comes no more
to this grey world of tears and war.
"Лэ о Лэйтиан", HoME 3-3, 1928 год.
Thus perished Inglor Felagund son of Finrod, fairest and most beloved of the children of Finwe, and returned never again to Middle-earth. But it is said that released soon from Mandos, he went to Valinor and there dwells with Amarie.
With '[Felagund] dwells now in Valinor with Amarie' cf. QS I: 'But Inglor walks with Finrod his father among his kinsfolk in the light of the Blessed Realm, and it is not written that he has ever returned to Middle-earth.' In Version II it is said that 'released soon from Mandos, he went to Valinor and there dwells with Amarie.' It has been told in the annal for that 'she whom [Felagund] had loved was Amarie of the Vanyar, and she was not permitted to go with him into exile.'
"Серые Анналы", HoME 11-1.
Тэленис - Тирион.
Тэленис - Нолдо.